Tips for Customizing Your Basement Storage Space
This post was originally published on DIY Network’s blog Made + Remade in January 2013. One of the most necessary and ambitious tasks I’ve taken on since I moved into my …
I'm a home improvement enthusiast, living a very merry DIY lifestyle.
You can find me writing for HGTV and DIY Network, follow me on facebook and instagram, or drop me a note if you'd like. I love notes.
Thanks for visiting!
This post was originally published on DIY Network’s blog Made + Remade in January 2013. One of the most necessary and ambitious tasks I’ve taken on since I moved into my …
This post was originally published on DIY Network’s blog Made + Remade in June 2015. When’s the last time you cleaned your dryer vent? I’m going to wager that it’s been …
Once upon a time, we did next to no DIY projects during the holiday season, and instead visited with family, slept in, ate lots of pancakes, and played. I got an …
Is it worth mentioning that I've never had to buy an appliance, ever? Not at all for my old house (the ones it came with were standard but plenty fine) …
The basement to the house is deep-deep. Deep in the sense that it boasts 8-foot ceilings throughout, save for where the sunken living room dips downward, leaving us with 7-ft. …
We toured the house for the first time with our realtor, and for the second time during our home inspection in mid-April. The property was a lot different then than …
This house was built in 1941, and the floors in some rooms are a bit bouncy. I addressed this ever-so-briefly when we talked about eliminating squeaks with these amazing countersink …
Reorganizing all of our Christmas trimmings put us over the edge, you could say. Or maybe it was caused by an onslaught of new toolage, wedding shiz, or plain hurriedness …
It's odd how some things seem to expire at the same time. Like, how three key lightbulbs in our house burned out within 4 hours of each other on Friday, or …
Remember when we ambitiously removed the laminate kitchen countertop with great ambitions of selling it on Craigslist? It didn't happen. It's not like I expected to be able to redeem any …
When it comes right down to it, this little bugger on the basement door should have been taken care of years ago. Why I've continued to live with a pet access …
My home inspector advised me to have my gas boiler cleaned before putting it to use. That was in early 2009. Last week, I followed through. (Mike Holmes would be …
I finished up a short list of small projects this month - ones that wouldn't actually prompt an independent post, but definitely make me want to pat myself on the back. After …
Even with all of the projects that I finish in any given month, there are still a lot of things that I've been meaning to get started on. I've added …
Damn you, troublesome windows. See, the foundation of the house is poured concrete, but only rises about 8" above the surface of the earth. Baked right into the foundation were five …
Oddly, the best photo I have of the gas log insert is this one, from May 2009, taken within the first 10 days of moving into my house. I was …
A quick intro to a not-so-quick post: Let me backtrack 6 months to when we were demo-ing the basement "bathroom". The half-bath (shown in that thumbnail to the left) in …
Mmmmkay, we're really nearing the end of all the basement posts for awhile, I promise. Pete mentioned in this morning's post that the basement aparently served multiple purposes for the …
According to the electrical panel of the house, the previous owners had all kinds of stuff going on in the basement. From what we could discern, it was the basement, …
I'm a home improvement enthusiast, living a very merry DIY lifestyle. Follow me on facebook and instagram, or drop me a note if you'd like. I love notes.
You can also find me writing for Home Living Handbook, a Pursuit Channel for Men's Journal,, and a handful of other websites.
Thanks for visiting!
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