Even with all of the projects that I finish in any given month, there are still a lot of things that I’ve been meaning to get started on. I’ve added them to the top of my to-do list with the intention of lighting a fire under my butt.
The goal is to have all 5 completed in the month of October.
1) New key organization.
I installed a little Urban Outfitters bird hook when I moved in. Me and my single key ring lived very happily together. And then a year later, Pete and I bought scooters, the long dangly keys for which we kept on separate rings (two, three). And a year after that, he moved in and brought his 3 additional keyrings (four, five, six, this is starting to sound vaguely like The Brady Bunch). And so, I think you can tell by this picture it’s time to upgrade.
We’re thinking something with multiple hooks, because on a single hook you’re inevitably always trying to reach the key that’s at the bottom of the stack. Maybe some cool hooking functionality, wait and see, nothing’s been started yet.
2) Organize that damn basement.
We’re both guilty of dropping our tools right on the top of the workbenches when we’re done using them. We rarely take the time to do a full-on clean out to organize the space, which only frustrates both of us when we’re looking for that one special clamp or the extra extension cords. It’s time.
The paint collection has begun to cascade as I’ve bought more and more primers and paints. I reuse the paints I already own almost obsessively when I’m doing new projects instead of buying a new shade, so maybe it will surprise you just how many partially-filled containers I have.
3) What to do with this wall, what to do, what to do.
Up until this month, I had a lot of my reclaimed wood frames hung on brackets in my dining room. Over the course of the summer, they’ve sold, been gifted, or found other places to live in the home. I’m getting out of the biz; it was fun while it lasted but now almost all of my product listings have officially expired on Etsy (I voluntarily chose not to renew those that didn’t sell). This also explains why my “shop” page is MIA.
It’s time to refocus on what to do with this plain dining room wall.
And, now that I’m looking at it, I’ve been meaning to hang that guitar somewhere since April. And, just picked another 24 tomatoes today. I’m drowning.
4) Clean out that DVR.
What can I say, we’ve been busy all summer. Because my DVR is nearly at capacity, it’s time we finish up those hour-long-episode series to make way for the fall programming line-up.
So you know what you’re seeing, Dish Network breaks down storage for both high-def and standard-def TV. We mostly use HD, and at 6 hours left (usually well above 40 hours), I’m not sure that I’ll make it through the weekend unless I get busy fast. I also recall the days when I had SD well over 170 hours available. This is why I was frantically watching Extreme Couponing at 8:26PM last night.
In our defense, we’re saving that Good Eats because there’s a fab tutorial on chopping up a chicken. What is a little insane is that below it is the Betty White SNL from May, 8 2010. You know, the one the media and viewers went wild for? Still unwatched.
5) Add some cushion to the bottom of the dining room chairs.
It’s hardwood against hardwood in there. It’s grating. And because now that we’re both working from home, it’s a lot of grating, 5-days-a-week. I need some of those furniture gliders with the velcro-esque surface.
Emily, you amaze me. I think your next project should be to write a book. I, of course, will be the first person in line at the book signing! Your energy is inspiring.
O.M.G.. Thank you for that nice note!! You just made my whole day, Laura!
I feel like my to-do list is out of control. I pick too many projects and then go into a tailspin. Maybe I should use your method, just pick a few, and see where things go?
Mine’s out of control too. I try and not let it get to me, and have to keep reminding myself that some of the bigger to-do’s (like exploring what’s under the kitchen vinyl floor) need to be backed by, ahem, money. The few things I’ve listed in this post are things that Pete and I discuss needing to do daily, so they’ve been flagged highest priority.
To do:
1. Hang that guitar on your shoulder
2. Rock
Truer words are rarely spoken.