You haven’t seen the guest room in awhile. As in, I haven’t wanted you to see the guest room in awhile.
It’s a dumping ground for all things bathroom-renovation-related, from power tools to towels to a mysterious baggie of screws and pegs leftover from assembling the IKEA vanity. And Pete’s deflated Carhart man-suit.
Truth: I’ve been wanting to update the room for awhile now. And by “update,” maybe I mean “finish” it. Because, unlike the living room and bedroom that are livable and my style, I don’t spend much time in the guest room a.k.a Cody’s room a.k.a someday, Pete’s daughter Julia’s room, therefore don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it’s state on any given day. I didn’t even show it in my Apartment Therapy tour, aghast.
Back up a few months. We scored ourselves a second-hand IKEA MALM full-size bed before Christmas, but it sat (and leaned, and laid around) in piles because I haven’t gotten around to putting it together whilst doing other projects. By projects, I mean, real, blog-and-sponsorship-content-fueling projects. And face it, assembling an IKEA bed isn’t really a “project,” so to speak, unless maybe I was doing it on the deck with a Mike’s Hard Lemonade beside me. I kind of wish I had considered that. No big deal, no loss, I haven’t had real guests spend the night since late last year, and I’m fairly certain that the only being that it’s bothering is Cody, who’s developing dog agita because the Dyson’s sitting too close to his bed. Dog’s worst nightmare.
The iron headboard that was in the room is a favorite of mine; I bought it from a girl that I subletted from in the summer of 2006 for $50, and lugged it around with me from apartment-to-apartment-to-apartment-to-house, where I continued to use it until just last summer when I flip-flopped thingies around and decided to put our bed on the floor beneath the windows. I digress, what I’m getting at is that I’m not selling it. I’m too attached to it to do that, but I am moving it to the attic as we make room for the new IKEA MALM full-size frame, because 1) sometimes I crave new things 2) we’ve always really liked the clean lines of this simple $129 MALM model.
What I’m getting at is that while I still have a long way to go (think: wall paint, furniture refinishing, area rugs, and new sheets and a duvet), the guest room came a long ways with a quick bed shift and cabinet relocation yesterday afternoon. One of these days, I’ll have to take more pictures than just this angle from the doorway. There’s really not a lot to be seen yet.
More to come on the guest room project (as I feel compelled to invest time in it).
Up to anything fun this weekend?
Uh…where is Cody’s bed now?
Other side of the room, in front of that shelfing unit.
If that’s a room you don’t like to show, you’re doing pretty good in my book! Also, I wanted to share my dog-and-Gorilla-Glue story. My 70 lb Lab mix, Peanut (his pound name was Skippy, which wasn’t right), found some Gorilla Glue in the garage when he was about 9 months old. Turns out it has something in it that dogs like the taste of… Fast forward to an x-ray at the vet’s, showing a big hard ball of foam/glue filling his whole stomach. $900 later he was all better. He’s 7 years old now and happy as can be. Sigh….
Oh GEEZ. Glad Peanut was ok! I think I’m most amazed that it all made it into the stomach, and didn’t begin to seal up the throat or mouth…. crazy, lucky dogs.
I know – you’d think it’d show up other places, too. This dog has 9 lives. He also lived through running across the freeway and back. That took a couple years off my life! He’s a lot better trained these days :)